Sardar Udham (HD)
The story follows the journey of Sardar Udham Singh, a young revolutionary whose life was forever altered by the horrors of the Jallianwala Bagh massacre. Haunted by the memories of the brutal event, Udham escaped into the rugged mountains of Afghanistan before making his way to London in 1933-34.
For 21 years, he carried the unhealed wound of that fateful day, biding his time and gathering strength for a moment of reckoning. On March 13, 1940, Udham assassinated Michael O’Dwyer, the man responsible for the Punjab atrocities in April 1919, avenging the countless lives lost and striking a blow for justice. The story is a powerful portrayal of sacrifice, resilience, and the unyielding pursuit of freedom.
Director: Shoojit Sircar
Genre: Bollywood, Crime, Drama, History
Cast: Albrekht Tsander, Amol Parashar, Andrew Havill, Andrey Tolshin, Banita Sandhu, Jogi Malang, Kirsty Averton, Kuljeet Singh, Mark Lingwood, Nicholas Gecks, Richard Glover, Ritesh Shah