Vikram Singh, the Maharaja of Pratap Nagar, deeply values the loyalty of his trusted Senapati, Sangram Singh. As a token of his gratitude, he promises to make Sangram a Maharaja and arranges a future marriage between their children, Anuradha and Pratap.
Years later, Vikram sends his now-grown daughter, Anuradha, to attend the coronation of Rajkumar Pratap Singh and assess him as her future husband. Accompanied only by her maidservant Kalavati, Anuradha sets off on her journey. However, chaos ensues when Vikram learns that Kalavati has been abducted by the infamous bandit Suraj Singh—only to discover that Kalavati is impersonating Anuradha, while the real princess has been taken by the outlaw.
The twists deepen as Suraj is captured and imprisoned, and preparations continue for Pratap’s coronation and his impending marriage to Anuradha. But will the truth about the abduction unravel in time, or will hidden motives and unexpected revelations disrupt the royal plan