The Burning Train (HD)
The story follows the dramatic events surrounding the inaugural run of the Super Express, a high-speed train traveling from New Delhi to Mumbai. What begins as a historic journey quickly descends into chaos when a fire breaks out onboard. As panic spreads among the passengers, their resilience and survival instincts are put to the ultimate test. Amidst the flames and turmoil, the film explores individual acts of courage, unexpected alliances, and the race against time to prevent a catastrophe.
Director: Ravi Chopra
Genre: Action, Bollywood, Thriller
Cast: Anand Balraj, Anil Sharma, Asha Sachdev, Baby Khushboo, Chandrashekhar Vaidya, Danny Denzongpa, Dharmendra, Dinesh Thakur, Govardhan Asrani, Gufi Paintal, Hema Malini, Iftekhar