The Great Indian Family (HD)
Set in the fictional town of Balrampur, the film follows Vedvyas Tripathi, known as Bhajan Kumar, who lives with his family under the guidance of his father, Pandit Siyaram Tripathi. Bhajan Kumar's life takes a tumultuous turn when questions about his identity spark a wave of rumors and anxiety in the town. Will he overcome this challenge or succumb to the chaos?
Director: Vijay Krishna Acharya
Genre: Bollywood, Comedy, Drama
Cast: Aasif Khan, Alka Amin, Areebah Fatima, Ashustosh Ujjwal, Bharati Perwani, Bhuvan Arora, Devang Tanna, Devansh Tapuriah, Hitesh Arora, Jiya Imran Amin, Keval Arora, Kumud Mishra